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What Is Your Online Brand?

92% of employers utilize social media to screen potential candidates during the application process which is why it is crucial that you established a professional online identity. Social media has not only had a large impact on how we represent ourselves/how others see us, it also plays a larger role in how we approach job and internship searches. Are you making the most out of your social networks and personal brand? We have some tips for you!                                                                                             

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  Online Professionalism

Your brand should be a relfection of your passions, skills, strengths, and values and must be presented in a professional format. Do some research and see how others in your field/industry are using social media as a branding tool. Use the outlets that are most appropriate and convey the message you are trying to send.  The first step in the branding process is:

1.) Google Yourself: By doing a quick Google search consisting of your full name, location, and even usernames and emails will give you a good indication as to what is already online about you. Don't like what you see? Start deleting some content off your personal pages and adjust your privacy settings on your social networks.

2.) Do additional searches using TweetTunnel (if you use Twitter) to get a more in-depth look at your old social media postings.

3.) Dilute: Begin cleaning up and creating your social media sites. Sign up for reputable websites such as blogging sites or LinkedIn and create an online portfolio of your work. Doing this will help dilute any of your old and unwanted content and bring the new sites to the top of a Google search.

4.) Use What You Know:

LinkedIn: This professional networking tool is a great starting off point in building a professional online reputation. Utilize our LinkedIn Checklist & Profile Builder Worksheet to get your started.

Twitter: As one of the top used social media sites, you'll want to follow and connect with companies and other professionals in your field of interest. Be sure that your Twitter name and handle are professional, your profile photo is appropriate, and your bio is direct in who you are and what you are tweeting about.

Facebook: You may use it more for personal matters rather than professional, but you can still use the network you have to establish connections and search for future jobs. Use your status updates to indicate that you are job searching. Also, Facebook is another great medium to "follow" and "like" company pages and industry experts.


Check out this great guide to online reputation management for college graduates!