Tuition Exchange Tuition Exchange

Tuition Exchange

Tuition Exchange is a reciprocal scholarship opportunity for the dependents of eligible faculty and staff at over 700 member schools. Tuition Exchange is not an employee benefit but an opportunity because of employment. Their awards enable the dependents of eligible faculty and staff at participating colleges and universities to significantly defray their higher education costs.

Full-time Staff, Full-time Faculty, and Senior Lecturers are eligible to participate in this program after three years of service.

TE can be a competitive award. Applicants must inquire about individual TE application dates and processes at employment and where the student is seeking a tuition exchange scholarship.

The value of the TE scholarship is tuition or the annual set rate. TE funding may include federal and state grant dollars, institutional scholarships, co-curricular awards, and institutional grants. The set rate is adjusted annually. For the 2023-24 academic year, the set rate is $41,000; for 2024-25, the set rate is $42,000. Check with your Import school for their TE scholarship maximum. Tuition Exchange allows member schools flexibility in providing funds beyond the required set rate. 

For more detailed information about the Tuition Exchange please visit their website at

Each TE school appoints a Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer (TELO). TE Liaison Officers are responsible for submitting qualifying applications. Check with your TE Liaison Officer for your employer's TE application process and timeline. complete listing of TE schools and TELO email addresses is available online at in the Family bucket under the Member Schools tab.

Students and their parents can apply for a TE scholarship in the Fall semester. The deadline to apply for the following academic calendar year is October 1st. 

Please read the EZ-App How to Guide for Families to learn more about the application process.

Interested students should coordinate their TE application and school admission process when requesting your TE scholarship consideration.

Applicants need to check with the attending school for any additional requirements. Requirements include filing the FAFSA annually, having a minimum grade point average, and living on campus. Your Admissions Counselor is your best resource for this information. The college catalog and student handbook are great resources, too. 

The TE Liaison Officer is your institutional contact, your home institution, and at the host institution(s) you are applying check with your Admissions Counselor. Be sure to share that you are a potential TE scholar. 

reminder to parents - once your child reaches the age of 18 or graduates from high school, whichever is first, parents no longer have the right to student information. For additional information, refer to the FERPA Parent Guide

For additional information regarding student FERPA rights, refer to the FERPA Student Guide.


CIC-Tuition Exchange Program

The Council of Independent Colleges Tuition Exchange Program (CIC–TEP) is a network of CIC colleges and universities willing to accept, tuition-free, students from families of full-time employees of other CIC–TEP institutions.  Each participating institution in the network agrees to import a limited number of students on the same admission basis as they accept all other students, without regard to the number of students it exports. 

Today, nearly 440 colleges and universities (roughly two-thirds of all CIC Members) from 48 states and five countries are participating, allowing for a large selection of institutions.

To learn more about this program, please visit the CIC-TEP website.

Special Features of CIC–TEP

  • CIC–TEP offers many advantages to participating institutions and employees.
  • Full tuition benefit. The CIC–TEP benefit covers the full cost of tuition for students at all participating institutions.
  • No balance requirements. Since there are no limitations on the number of students who can use the benefit, institutions do not need to monitor whether "import" and "export" students are in balance.
  • Broad eligibility for employees. All employees designated as full-time by a participating institution are eligible to receive exchange benefits. There is no need to limit use of the benefit to only certain groups of employees.
  • Spouses and dependents are also eligible. In addition, spouses and dependents of full-time employees may also receive tuition benefits.
  • Enrollment incentive. Students from families of employees at other institutions have an incentive to enroll at participating institutions.
  • No hidden fees. Students can apply to multiple institutions without paying application or placement fees.
  • Flexible study options. In addition to full-time undergraduate study, institutions can allow "import" students to enroll in part-time, graduate, doctoral, online, and/or study-abroad programs.
  • Easy administration. Administering CIC–TEP is easy and can be done through a fully interactive, real-time, online portal, with no added annual reporting requirements.
  • Large network. Currently, nearly 440 colleges in 47 states and seven countries participate in CIC–TEP, giving families a wide range of choice.

Search for Participating Institutions

How to Apply​ for Tuition Exchange

TE/CIC Presentation