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Curry College Course Catalog

What Can I Do With My Major?

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Advisee and Advisor Roles and Responsibilities Advisee and Advisor Roles and Responsibilities


Advisee and Advisor Roles and Responsibilities

Advising is a partnership between students and their advisors.  With that in mind, here are just some of the responsibilities of both.

Advisors should:

  • Communicate to advisees preferred method of contact (e.g. email, phone, office location & hours, etc.).
  • Reach out to students throughout semester (e.g., ideally, first week, mid-semester/midterms/registration, & end of semester).
  • Be responsive to students in a timely manner (i.e., 24-48 hours M-F, 8:30 am - 4:30pm)
  • Be a responsive listener.
  • Refer advisees to support systems on campus (can always start with the Office of Advising & Academic Success).
  • Help advisees explore interests and goals (e.g., possible internships, career plans, study abroad, etc.).
  • Help advisees determine progress towards graduation. Recommend winter/summer session courses as needed.
  • Understand Curry policies.
  • Take Notes in Advising Profile summarizing visits, emails, interactions with students.
  • Approve Advisee Plan for the next semester and provide PIN.

Advisees should:

  • Read all e-mails sent to Curry email account.
  • Make sure to discuss academic and personal goals with advisor regularly.
  • Know who your advisor is. If you don't know, or want to change, please email:
  • Reach out to advisors to schedule appointments in advance. Advisors have busy schedules and are not always on campus five days per week.
  • Make sure to cancel an appointment if can't make it. Do not skip or no-show.
  • Come prepared for appointments – course ideas, Advising/Degree Works/Internship questions, notebook to write questions and answers etc.
  • Do not hesitate to ask questions – please take the initiative. Students are responsible for their progress and success.
  • Confirm whether you are on track to graduate or will need summer or winter courses.
  • Check that course pre-requisites have been met before registering.
  • Check Holds prior to registering.
  • Review academic policies in the catalog.
  • Know deadlines and dates.
  • Ask instructors and advisors for help when you need it.


Degree Maps Degree Maps

2024-2025 Catalog Year Degree Maps



TR Category I: up to 30 credits

TR Category II: up to 45 Credits

TR Category III: 45-60 Credits

TR Category IIIA: 60+ Credits, but No Associates Degree

TR Category IV: Associates Degree



If an updated degree map is not available, check back soon or contact the academic department directly. 

You may also refer to the Course Catalog for more information.

Accounting (2023-2024)

Biology BA  (2024-2025)

Biology BS (2024-2025)

Biochemistry (2024-2025)

Brain and Cognitive Science (2024-2025)

Business Administration (2023-2024)

Communication (2024-2025)

Community Education (2024-2025)

Computer Science (2024-2025)

Criminal Justice (2024-2025)

Criminal Justice (5th Year) (2024-2025)

Criminal Justice (In 3 Years) (2024-2025)

Early Childhood Education (DESE) (2024-2025)

Early Childhood Education (DEEC) (2024-2025)

Elementary Education (DESE)  (2024-2025)

ELEM - Education Support Professional (2024-2025)

Environmental Science (2024-2025)

Exercise Science (2024-2025)

Forensic Science (2024-2025)

Graphic Design (BS) (2024-2025)

Marketing (2023-2024)

Nursing (2024-2025)

Psychology (2024-2024)

Public Health and Wellness  (2024-2025)

Public Relations (2024-2025)

Sociology (2024-2025)

Sports & Recreation Management  (2023-2024)

Special Education  (2024-2025)

Special Education (ABA Track) (2024-2025)

Studio Arts (2024-2025)

Transformative Justice (2024-2025)

Undecided (2021-2022)


Degree Maps from previous catalog years


2020-2021 Degree Maps

2019-2020 Degree Maps

2018-2019 Degree Maps

2017-2018 Degree Maps

For requirement sheets from previous catalog years, please contact Advising & Academic Success.