Course Syllabi Guidelines

Remember that your syllabus is a contract with the students regarding the course objectives, requirements, and means of assessment. As such the course description should contain the course description in the catalog and any additional emphasis you as the instructor wish to communicate.
Please also include the following information for the students:
Basic Course Information
Specific Course Information
UCC recommended course policy statements:
* Required
*Disability Statement: Students with disabilities who believe that they need accommodations in class are encouraged to contact the Student Disabilities Officer (telephone # 333-2252 or email at as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Students enrolled in PAL should work with their PAL instructors (and, in some cases, the Coordinator of PAL) to determine appropriate accommodations..
*Academic Honesty statement for inclusion on Syllabi: Curry College values the integrity and effort of each of its students. Claiming authorship of the work done by others is not acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to, copying the answers of another student, submitting or restating the work of another person without appropriate citation, and falsifying information or authorship. The College also expects that students will write an appropriate paper for each course when required. On the rare occasion in which a student’s learning may benefit from writing a paper applicable to more than one course, the student must get prior written approval from both instructors. Such approval is to be attached to the front of both copies of the paper when it is submitted. Ample assistance in writing and referencing skills is available at the Essential Skills Center, the Levin Library, and from individual professors (for more information, see Academic Support Services, Course Catalog). Therefore, academic dishonesty may result in an “F” for the paper/exam/project or for the course, at the discretion of the instructor. A letter to this effect may be sent to the student, and a copy kept on file in the Dean’s Office. Upon a second offense, the Dean’s Office has the authority to dismiss the student from the College. To appeal alleged plagiarism, see section F in the section on Academic Standing” in the Course Catalog.  

Academic Enrichment: The Academic Enrichment Center (AEC), located on the 2nd floor of Levin Library, offers free tutoring to Curry College undergraduate students. Professional or peer tutors are available by sign-up or appointment for most courses taught at Curry. Students can also work with professional writing tutors for help with writing/editing for any class. To sign up, visit the Academic Enrichment Center or call ext. 2248. If you don't see a tutor listed for the subject you need help in, ask in the AEC office, as we have additional tutors available by appointment.
Speaking Center: Located in AAPC 207 and 209, the Speaking Center offers students assistance as they prepare for oral presentations. Speaking Center associates offer one-on-one consultation sessions, organizational help, practice opportunities, peer coaching, videotaping and other resources. You must go to the Speaking Center to make an appointment and to maximize this resource you should make your appointment well in advance of your presentation.  
Research Assistance Program/ Levin Library: Members of the reference staff in the library are there to help you with all of your research needs. Visit the reference desk in good time before an assignment is due.  Library hours are M-T 8am-11pm, F 8am-6pm, Sat 10am-6pm, and Sun 1:30pm-11pm.  Contact the library at x2177 or the website at