Committee Charge:

The charge to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, which reports to the faculty, is to:
1.  Discuss, advise upon, and promote all components of the undergraduate curriculum in the light of the mission and policies of the College in conjunction with departments and divisions;
2.  Coordinate, evaluate, and support the continuing development of the Central Liberal Arts curriculum;
3.  Review and consider for recommendation to the faculty significant curriculum changes. Significant changes are those which:
a.   Constitute requests for exceptions to college-wide policies as stated in the Catalog
b.      Modify an academic major in required courses or standards, such as:
  i.      Add, remove, significantly change content of courses in a major
  ii.      Propose minimum GPA requirements different than the general institutional requirements
  iii.      Replace currently required courses with new ones
c.       Change or add auxiliary requirements to a major or program such as:
  i.      Requiring an internship
  ii.      Requiring study abroad
  iii.      Requiring specific academic status for students
d.      Alter CLAC or other institutional wide requirements
4.  Receive and disseminate information from departments or divisions concerning any changes that may impact academic advising. Changes that do not require UCC oversight come to the committee as “information only.”
5.  Determine, in conjunction with the Registrar, that the Catalog  accurately represents the undergraduate curriculum.
Notes on “for information only” items:
By definition in the Catalog, an Academic Major consists of 18-30 credits and an Academic Program consist of academic major plus up to 30 additional credits/ maximum 60 credits. Prerequisites, co-requisites, related courses, and optional concentrations outside the major are at the discretion of the department/ program and the dean. These changes come to the committee as “information only”.

The reciprocal requirement is that departments/divisions must bring items designated as “for information only: to the committee, which serves as the principal means for dissemination; should disagreement exist at the faculty level regarding “for information only: items, such items are to be returned to the committee for consideration.